Alleyn Court Prep School



PSHE education is part of the holistic approach to a child’s wellbeing.

At Alleyn Court it is taught both explicitly as a timetabled, planned lesson each week and implicitly across the school in areas such as; the curriculum, Form time, school council, assemblies, lunch times, breaks, extra-curricular clubs, ‘House’ meetings, and both informal and formal talks with individual/ groups of children.

It equips the children with knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, fulfilled, capable and responsible lives, now and in the future. It enables them to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.

PSHE education also addresses diversity issues to ensure equality and inclusion for all by encouraging children to build on their knowledge, understanding, ideas, views, perceptions, interests, background, culture, values and attitudes in a way that is non-confrontational yet challenging.

A spiral curriculum is used across the school which means the children build on previous learning and experiences as they move up the school. There are three topic headings which the PSHE curriculum is delivered, these are; Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, and Living in the Wider World.

In the Pre-Prep, PSHE is taught throughout a range of tasks and activities as part of the Montessori and EYFS curriculum. Pupils in Paddington and Winnie the Pooh classes (Reception) also follow the SEALs program which supports the transition within the Pre-Prep to increasingly formal education in the later half of Reception to years 1 and 2. 

Religious Education

Religious Education is taught in order to enthuse, inspire and educate young people. It gives the pupils an opportunity to learn and reflect about religious experiences that different people have had over time.

Religious Education enables the pupils to think beyond their normal daily experiences.

The content of the Religious Education programme at Alleyn Court draws from the locally agreed syllabus ExploRE (2015). The syllabus focuses on: Exploring Shared Human Experience; Exploring Religious Traditions; Exploring Beliefs and Values; and Exploring Personal Meaning.

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Alleyn Court School,
Wakering Road,
Southend-on-Sea Essex,

Alleyn Court Prep School

Alleyn Court School,
Wakering Road,
Southend-on-Sea Essex,

01702 582553 get directions